December 28, 2007, Newsletter Issue #44: An Eastern Oasis With A Bamboo Water Fountain

Tip of the Week

If you want to create a water fountain with an Eastern feel, consider a bamboo water fountain. Bamboo containers are commonly sold as planters and make the perfect starting point for a water fountain of Eastern influence. Make sure the one you find can be lined for waterproofing. Here’s how you create your own bamboo water fountain:

What you’ll need:
Rectangular bamboo containerPool linerSquare containerLatticework containerAquatic potting mixLime-free potting mixSlate or granite stonesBricks
What you need to do:
Secure the inside of the bamboo container with the pool liner.Pack lime-free potting mix in the square pot and add Iris ensata. Place the pot into the bamboo container.Use aquatic potting mix in the latticework container and place Japanese reedmace into the container.Place the latticework container in the bamboo container, raising it with bricks to the appropriate height.Add stones on top of the arrangement in the bamboo container to characterize landscaping. Fill your container with water to complete your bamboo water fountain.

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