Fountains Tips

When it comes to Fountains, we've been there, done that, now serving 287 tips in 18 categories ranging from Backyard & Patio Fountains to Wood Fountains.

How can I save money on water fountain accessories?

Tips for Saving Money on Water Fountain Accessories

After you've purchased and paid for your water fountain, you soon discover that there is more to buy. Even the most inexpensive water fountains require care, cleaning, and maybe a little something to jazz up the area around the fountain itself. That's where water fountain accessories come into play. A great online store will have everything you need to keep your fountain working properly including indoor fountain pumps, safe products for pets, and a variety of water fountain cleaning supplies. Today's economic themes are downsizing and spending less. The following are ways to make the most of your water fountain and the water fountain accessories that go with it:

  1. Regularly clean your water fountain. Indoor fountain pumps typically last a little longer than outdoor fountain pumps (less clogging), but either model still needs to be cleaned.
  2. Preventing algae in fountains is easy to do with No More Algae cleaner. However, a little goes a long way. Follow the directions carefully and don't overdo it.
  3. Water fountain lighting is optional. If it's a feature you're interested in, see if the fountain you're buying comes with lighting or if the cost is extra.
  4. Although fountains require little electricity to run, you could save some money by purchasing solar powered fountains.
These are just a few ways to watch your spending while enjoying years of fountain enjoyment and beauty in your own backyard.

Are the cleaning products sold at Serenity Health safe for pets?

Pet-Safe Water Fountain Accessories

The first thing to consider before purchasing an outdoor water fountain is your pet's safety. Dogs and cats are curious creatures and they may be tempted to take a drink from that newly-installed fountain. Pure water running through it won't hurt any animal, but what about the cleaning products you're using? Luckily, if you've purchased your water fountain accessories from a reputable retailer, you don't have to worry. The water fountain cleaning supplies found online at these sources are often non-toxic. Made from naturally-occurring enzymes, cleaners like No More Foam won't harm plants, birds, pets, or wildlife.

Not sure? Carefully read the product specs before buying. Any warnings will be located directly on the product bottle or container. It's a safe bet to say that if a product is non-toxic and safe for pets, plants, birds, and wildlife, it's probably also going to be safe for the environment.

Even though a product is considered “safe” and “non toxic," it's always good practice to put cleaners away after use. Keep cleaning products locked and out of children's reach. Never leave products opened or near pet feeding areas, and take care to clean up spilled products.

Do feng shui fountains make good gifts?

The Gift of Feng Shui Fountains

Feng shui fountains make perfect gifts. There's always one family member or friend who has it all. If you've got one or two people who have traditionally been impossible to buy for, consider feng shui fountains. Really, any type of indoor or outdoor fountain makes a great gift. Relaxing indoor fountains are gender neutral and suitable for men, women and even teens. Water fountains aren't something you usually think of when looking for gifts, making it a unique idea.

At Serenity Health online, you can find any number of fantastic feng shui fountains. Look for outdoor solar-powered fountains for people who love their gardens. For book worms who prefer to snuggle inside, purchase a portable tabletop water fountain.

When purchasing feng shui fountains as gifts, keep in mind that the person you're buying it for might want to try it out in different outdoor locations.

Is it possible to take the principles of feng shui outdoors?

Taking Feng Shui Outdoors

When going for a feng shui atmosphere, remember that you can always move it outdoors. Typically, Feng Shui involves indoor décor and placement of furniture, choice of color, and specific positioning of objects within the room to create balance and harmony (or “chi”). However, if you're an outdoor enthusiast, why not create a room outside? Whether it's on a patio or in your backyard, there are ways that you can create your own harmonious space without the restrictions of walls and windows.

Following the principles of Feng Shui, create an entrance to your outdoor room with identifying plants, a walkway, an archway, etc., as the main entrance point. From that perspective, you can then arrange your lawn furniture and potted plants to create balance and harmony. Feng shui fountains and zen garden fountains are a must for any outdoor living space. Look for good quality feng shui fountains designed specifically for outdoor use. A feng shui water fountain should fit into your garden scheme. If the feng shui fountain is going to be your main focal point, make sure to research feng shui principles first so that you can position your fountain correctly. Then you can arrange all of your lawn furniture and other plants in relation to the feng shui fountain.

How can I afford a feng shui fountain?

Treat Yourself to an Affordable Feng Shui Tranquility Fountain

In today's economic recession, the idea of purchasing feng shui fountains might seem like a luxury. Did you know that for under $50 you could be enjoying your own feng shui water fountain? The best feng shui fountains are ones that come in natural materials like slate. Serenity Health is an online resource where you can purchase the perfect feng shui fountains for your needs. Look for the Rock Garden Tabletop Fountain or the Feng Shui Ceramic Tabletop Fountain.

Tabletop feng shui fountains are especially appealing because they're portable and can be used at home, at school or at the office. For the price of a week's worth of coffee, you could own your very own feng shui fountain. Not only are the aesthetics pleasing, you'll melt at the sound of gently rushing water.

We spend countless dollars on pushing our bodies to their limits. We join gyms, hit the pavement, work out, strain muscles and empty our wallets all in the name of better health. Of course, physical activity is vital to good health, but so is simple relaxation. Deep breathing, meditation and reflection are all important aspects of mental health.


Taking Care of Wood Water Fountains

As with any water fountain, care and maintenance helps a wood fountain work at optimal levels and extends the life of the fountain pump. Outside frames of wood fountains should be cleaned when you dust other wood furnishings. Wipe them carefully with a lint-free dusting cloth and use only cleaning product recommended by the manufacturer. When using a wood cleaner/polish, take care not to spray in into the fountain waters. Sealed bamboo fountains clean with a soft sponge or cloth and warm soapy water and should not be allowed to dry out once they have been used.

According to Feng Shui principles, positive energy (chi) is only attracted to clean, sparkling waters. Using distilled water in a wood water fountain helps keep waters sparkling and reduces potential problems with mold, algae and scale that affect pump operation and the beauty of the fountain. Keep a close eye on water level. One of the benefits of fountains is the beneficial humidity they release in the air. This humidity comes from natural evaporation and over time evaporation reduces the fountain's water level. Insufficient water reduces the efficiency of the fountain pump, makes it noisy and may damage the pump.

If foam, scale or algae makes an appearance, treat the wood fountain waters immediately fountain care products like No More Algae, No More White Scale or No More Foam. Care Free Enzymes Fountain Protector is also a natural fountain care product, safe for pets and wildlife. And, when it's time the empty and clean the inside of the fountain and pump, the Fountain Acscents Cleaning Kit comes with everything needed to keep wood fountains sparkling.

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