August 17, 2007, Newsletter Issue #25: Design Considerations For Garden Waterfalls

Tip of the Week

Garden waterfalls are wonderful additions to any landscape. Garden waterfalls provide a beautiful oasis environment, as well as much needed oxygen to any pool, pond or fountain. If you’re designing a garden waterfall, there are a few things to consider.

Keep proportions in mind. You want to design the waterfall at the appropriate size to the body of water it will be going into. Think about overall scale. Determine the appropriate height, weight and speed of the waterfall’s water flow.Consider the pump size. Once you’ve determined scale and size, you can figure out how large of a pump you need.Think about the impact of the waterfall on its surroundings. It’s always a good idea to keep a liner underneath the zone where the waterfall will be landing. This will protect the surface from cracking and other damage.

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