August 13, 2010, Newsletter Issue #179: Using Feng Shui Tips for Place a Waterfall

Tip of the Week

Moving water creates energy (chi) and balance in an environment. Thus, a waterfall portends great fortune. Natural waterfalls are not typical features found in most backyard landscapes. However, a properly constructed garden waterfall or correctly placed pre-made garden waterfall provides a path to pleasure and prosperity.

Use these Feng Shui principles to the most auspicious location for a garden waterfall:

·Position a garden pond waterfall so that it flows toward rather than away from the home. A waterfall that flows toward a dining room door or window is the most auspicious and offers the bonus of dining with a view to the melodic sound of cascading water. The luckiest garden waterfalls are located in the east, southeast, southwest or north sectors of an outdoor environment. Waterfall levels are also important. A waterfall in the southwest sector should have two tiers. Placement in the east calls for three layers and the southwest needs four layers. North sector garden waterfalls call for six or seven levels and often offer the most the most intriguing sound and visual interest.A waterfall should be steep enough for the water to flow freely. A trickle of water does not carry enough energy. And, a waterfall that is too steep causes water to rush by too quickly. Most high-quality manufactured garden waterfalls feature adjustable pumps to control water flow and sound.When considering building a custom waterfall, consult a landscape specialist or research how to build a waterfall garden.

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