Considerations for Backyard Water Fountains

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Considerations for Backyard Water Fountains

When choosing the best backyard fountain or patio fountain consider space, budget, care and maintenance.

  • Make the most of the space you have. If you have visions of extensive outdoor projects with multi-level decks, a gazebo, waterfall cascading over massive boulders, pools/ponds and a jungle of outdoor plants, make sure outdoor space is adequate for your dream. Measure and plot available and scale up or down accordingly. A wide range of features and sizes makes it easy to match backyard fountains to available space.
  • Water fountains are available for every budget. When money is no object, you can easily spend thousands on a backyard sanctuary. When the budget is tight, start small. Develop a long-term plan and add to the project over time.
  • Are you the do-it-yourself or hire-the-expert type? Fountain how-to ranges from simple to complex. With the instructions, the right materials and time, most do-it-yourselfers can finish a backyard fountain project in a day or two for half the cost of hiring a contractor.
  • Water fountains require different levels of care and maintenance. Some fountain owners use a pool service for maintaining large, complex gardens. Small fountains are easily maintained with basic and preventive maintenance. Clear debris from the water surface and fountain bottoms frequently. Practice algae control. Inoculate water with “good” bacteria following cleaning or backwashing. And, periodically clean fountain pumps and fountain filters to ensure proper operation and extend their working life.



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